FAT32 format issue?

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FAT32 format issue?


Post by terapico »

The 4 GB USB which came with the Kaffelogic seemed to have a lightly fragile A connector, so I decided to put everything, identically laid out, on an 8 GB USB. This was not found by the machine so could load no profiles. The only difference between the two USBs was that the newer has, as is modern practice, a container-volume structure, so "Sandisk Cruzer Facet Media" with volume "NANO7".

I tried a full (not Quick) format under Windows 10 but it preserved the container-volume structure which appears to be the problem. I resolved it by opening Terminal on a Mac and using dd between rdisk devices, thus reproducing the flat NANO7 format and a USB the Nano was happy to read.

Did something odd happen here or does the Kaffelogic refuse to work with FAT32 in a container volume, as is happily read by any [other] modern OS (including Linux)?
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Re: FAT32 format issue?


Post by fnq »

Hi teripico

no answer but just some information to add in regard OS. Using Windows 10 or 11 I have had no problems with a couple of different brand thumb drives. the original supplied drive by KL didn't record one of the sub folders - so i had an error until i remade a sub folder roast-logs. Hopefully you can make it work too.

In another fun fact that probably everyone apart from me knew. the KL studio under TAB tools has a explore memory stick back up - so if you start afresh with new log numbering all is not lost- you can still find that log you want to replicate
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Re: FAT32 format issue?


Post by Wayne »

Hi Teripico

Thanks for the message.

I have had no issue and I use OS. Latest Monterey.

MS DOS ( fat 32) is the correct format and make sure the folders are lower caps.

My suggestion is format the USB and then open it in Kaffelogic Studio. Go to the core profiles tab and firmware tab and load these onto the USB.

This will load the correct root files on to the USB. Add your additional profiles to these folders and add the roast-logs folder into the pair to hold your logs.

This should work perfectly.

If you have any further issues please let me know.


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Re: FAT32 format issue?


Post by terapico »

Thank you for the comments, fnq and Wayne.

Next time I have a spare small USB I will try that procedure. It looks straightforward.

At least we know dd does a perfect job as well, but perhaps not the approach for everyone and it relies on a live source USB where Wayne's procedure does not, needing only the secondary files from a computer backup.
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